Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Steroids Has A Negative Effect On The World And The...

Ryan Thomas English 12 An individuals god-given talent is what makes watching professional sports entertaining or is the use of steroids and PED’s? As a sports fan this is what runs through an individuals mind , steroids has forever changed the world we live in and the people around us. Therefore , making the world we live in fueled by drugs contacts instead of individual skill and talent . Many individuals don t really understand the real consequences and the harmful effects .God-given skill and natural ability is very hard to find because ones skill is determined on who may have the best drug contact instead of who has the best god-given talent. In order to take a stand we must teach a lot of individuals what happens when†¦show more content†¦Although he showed the sign that he was indeed popular and ebullient , the thing that hurt Taylor in the long run was the anabolic steroids that he took in high school and such a young age. As an adolescent its important that the older generation tea ch the younger generation that the ac of steroids and anabolic steroids are a danger to ones health. It is important that treatment professionals understand the history behind steroids , what draws young athletes to steroid use and what counselors can do to help adolescents. With the help of a professional , Taylor may been able to get out of his addiction with anabolic steroids. However , its easy to that actions speak louder than words and in this case it was too late. I m worried about kids, said Dr. Donald A. Malone, a psychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic. It’s more than just the body and mind its about the things that can make or destroy this world , steroids have changed individuals mindsets and destroyed the world around us. Professional athletes are the ones that we sports fanatics and fans look up to , when our heroes cheat we must think that its acceptable to do so. These such words by Doctor Richard T. Bosshardt that state â€Å"Sports can teach children to young adults so many valuable lessons: the value of hard work, that fitness and mastery of a sport are their own reward, teamwork, dealing with adversity, focus, consistency and on and on. To have this undermined by doping among those

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